Luminaries are individuals between the ages of 18-30 who are looking to serve as an assistant educators at Lumen Christi Academy in Pipe Creek, TX. Serving under the supervision and mentorship of our faculty, Luminaries will assist with classroom instruction, tutoring, and extracurricular clubs after the school day.

During this program, individuals will be able to continue their own formation by attending daily Mass, praying the Divine Office, and other devotions. They will also be in a setting where we pursue the restoration of Christian Culture by seeking a Benedictine way of life in the 21st century.

This mission program is a one-semester commitment that may be renewed up to four times. During the internship, other volunteer opportunities will be available with our parent Retreat Center, Sanctus Ranch.

Accepted Luminaries will have room and board available during school weeks or full-time. Luminaries will be compensated at $8 per hour and required minimum hours will be 8-4 daily, Monday through Thursday (based on the LCA calendar).

Interested applicants may apply by sending an email stating your interest via the button below and questions about the program may be emailed to

Are you taking a gap year, interested in pursuing a vocation to religious life or looking to serve in a missionary position?