Our Three Pillars

Classical Education. Formation of the Whole Person. Unapologetically Catholic.

Classical Education

  • Students are formed in a traditionally authentic Catholic environment, utilizing a well-established, classical Catholic curriculum that Priests and professional educators will mentor. Course offerings include: Science, Mathematics, English, History, Catechism, Philosophy, and Latin.

  • Being formed to communicate effectively and logically through the spoken and written word, students will participate daily in Socratic Dialogue. This is an opportunity for the students to discuss and examine the works they are reading.

  • Our mission is to form students to be lifelong learners, hungry for wisdom and dedicated to seeking what is good, true, and beautiful.

  • Students are formed to communicate effectively and logically through the spoken and written word.

  • Students are formed to think critically, analyze the world around them, and see how all things relate to their final cause in God.

  • The curriculum is accessible to students of all levels of academic ability.

  • The one-room schoolhouse feel of the Academy is the student's opportunity for peer-to-peer mentoring. As Benjamin Franklin said, "Tell me, and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn."

Formation of the Whole Person

  • Mind: The formation of the mind happens in the classroom and through social interaction. Our classical education will challenge the student to grow intellectually each day. Using methods of socratic discussion, students will learn how to articulate themselves clearly on a variety of topics. 

  • Body: Located at Sanctus Ranch as a program of Spiritual Retreat Foundation, the Academy has access to 32 acres of property, including a sand volleyball court, gaga ball pit, basketball, and sprawling fields to play soccer and football. Also, we will be partnering with LIFE Runners to start a chapter of their pro-life running club at Lumen Christi. Experiencing nature, being outdoors, running, and playing are all part of whole-person learning.

  • Soul: The formation of the soul is paramount to the formation of the whole person. In addition to daily Mass and Adoration, the educators at Lumen Christi Academy will be Catholic Priests that will not just guide students through their academics but also guide them in their walk with Christ. 

Unapologetically Catholic

  • Daily celebration of the Mass of the Ages.

  • All educators will pledge an oath of fidelity to the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church.

  • Lumen Christi Academy is 100% Catholic in teaching. 

  • Students take courses every year in Catechism, Philosophy, and Latin. More specifically, we teach from the Catechism of the Council of Trent and the Baltimore Catechism. 

  • We frequently offer the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and Stations of the Cross (during Lent).

  • All students will have access to spiritual direction and religious vocational counseling.'

  • We hold two separate weeks of boarding school during the year to be used as a spiritual retreat and a time for students to bond with each other.

  • Students are formed to "thirst" for the "living water," leading to a lifelong pursuit of Christ. 

  • Graduates are formed in gratitude, obedience, creativity, and discipline to live a joyful, Christ-centered life through their God-given vocation.

**We are an organization run by laypeople and are rooted in the Catholic faith and tradition.

“A good school provides a rounded education for the whole person. And a good Catholic school, over and above this, should help all its students to become saints.”

- Pope Benedict XVI